Saturday, August 31, 2019

Salesforce Case Study

1 . How does Salesforce. com use cloud computing? Salesforce. com use clound computing software as a service . Many advantages and disadvantages come with using the software-as-a-service model. Some of the advantages include: Automatic updates- This means that the user will always be getting the latest version of the software, with no new downloads required. No installs- You don’t have to worry about installing software onto any of the computers. This leaves less room for compatibility issues for computers. Usually if you use a standard web browser, more than likely you will be able to use the service. Low Cost- The upfront cost of cloud computing is small. The user can space the payments out over a period of time, paying monthly payments. Doing this avoids any large upfront costs. There are also disadvantages of using this model. These include: Security issues- Since software-as-a-service is not run directly by the company using it, it is possible that the information can be seen and leaked by others who run the program. Online connection-An online connection is needed to run the system. Therefore if you are somewhere without internet service, you will be unable to use the program. Ongoing payments-Ongoing payments are necessary to keep the service going. Unlike regular software where you only pay one payment to install it, if you don’t pay for the services your account will be shutoff. 2. How does Salesforce. com use cloud computing? AnsSalesforce has come across several challenges throughout its growth. One of these challenges is competition from new businesses wanting to replicate Salesforce and also from traditional industrial leaders. A few of these competitors includes Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, and smaller companies such as NetSuite. Another challenge for Salesforce is deciding if it should expand its business into other areas. As of now, Salesforce is used mainly by sales staff to keep track of leads and customer lists. Salesforce has formed a partnership with Google to hopefully expand functionally. A third challenge for Salesforce is its availability. It has occasional outages, causing companies that depend on Salesforce to be available 27/7 to rethink their usage as software as a service. Salesforce is working very hard to overcome these challenges. They are doing their best to keep up with competitors and to expand their business. They are also providing tools to assure dependability to their clients about the systems reliability. They are offering an application that allows users to work offline, which is a big advantage in case a person is unable to have internet service and needs to use the system. 3. What kinds of businesses could benefit from switching to Salesforce and why? Ans. Just about any company could benefit by switching to Salesforce. com. Salesforce is a great way for companies to keep track of records and information. Almost every company needs a place to be able to manage these types of things. Salesforce gives companies a single place to store all their information and can only be accessed by authorized employees. 4. What factors would you take into account in deciding whether to use Saleforce. com for your business? One of the factors I would take into consideration when deciding if I would use Salesforce for my business is its reliability. If my company had a rough time with its internet service, then I probably wouldn’t use Salesforce, considering that internet service is a requirement. I would also determine if my company would have the money to continuously pay for the program. I would think about its security issues and how that could affect my business. I would also think about how no installation is needed. This means that it’s one less software I have to download on my computer to slow it down and take up storage space. I consider this to be a really big advantage to using Salesforce. 5. Could a company run its entire business using Salesforce. com, Force. com, and App Exchange? Explain your answer. Yes, a company could run its entire business using Salesforce. com and App Exchange. From what I have seen on the Salesforce. com website, it can accommodate businesses processes such as sales, marketing, finance, manufacturing, and HR. When I looked up all the different applications on App Exchange, I saw that there are apps for just about everything. Applications can support tasks such as emailing, creating documents, and e-signatures. Between Salesforce. com and App Exchange, a company has everything necessary to successfully run a business.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Race in america Essay

At the turn of the last century, WEB Dubois wrote, â€Å"The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line, –the relation of the darker to the lighter races of men in Asia and Africa, in America and the islands of the sea. Every study has come to the same conclusion that biologically, there are no ‘races’, yet the social construction of race as a category is alive and well today. The classification system, which radicalized different groups – typifying them according to their skin color and/or other defining features has a long history. With the advent of colonialism, racism underpinned the different and negative valuations attached to skin color. The racism of today is much more subtle and is no longer the blatant discrimination based on the color or your skin. It exists within the institutions of our society. It is the combination of government, corporate and media institutional racism that is largely responsible for the inequities of today. Unfortunately, these divisions impact the way in which we live our life and how we advance socially. Race has always been a complicated subject and is inevitable. Although we have made tremendous strides to dismantle the foundations of racism, it is clear and evident that racism still persists within the institutions of our society. I believe that America is one of greatest countries on the earth and it is a land of opportunity for everyone. The American dream is alive and well and many people of all races have had tremendous success. With these positives in place, it is no wonder why there have been so many incredible achievements by African Americans in the 21st century to include the obvious – the first black president. Over the years there has been much success in trying to dismantle discrimination against different races. By the time the modern civil rights movement arose during the mid-20th century, subjugation had prospered for nearly three hundred years. It was precisely this legalized subjugation that was the major target of the modern civil rights movement. Brown v. Board of Education was decided in 1954; Rosa Parks sat down in a Montgomery bus in 1955; the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place in 1963; and in an exhilarating five year period, three federal laws were passed-the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968-that taken together established a legal framework for racial justice. Over intense, opposition, the civil rights movement had succeeded, by 1968, in dismantling the legal structure of Jim Crow laws and replacing it with a legal structure designed to ensure equality and dismiss discrimination on all levels. Although these laws were very successful, you will still find racism within the institutions of our society. This â€Å"institutional racism† impacts every aspect of life in the 21st century from schooling to employment. It forms an invisible barrier that is hard to comprehend among all ethnic groups. Racism in our institutions can enter in every part of a person’s life and make it extremely difficult to advance socially, financially or politically. What is even worse is that racism does not just affect individuals; it affects entire communities and has an affect African American progress in the 21st century. These divisions in society create a whole cycle. If you don’t get the same job opportunities, you cannot afford the same education as some others, which lead to poor decisions because you don’t know any better. It is not because they are inferior; it is because they do not have the same opportunities because of racial prejudice. Racism is present in government bodies, private business corporations, and universities. Redlining is a clear example of how institutional racism is present in our society. The ability of Banks, mega-corporations, and major financial institutions top pick winners and losers has setup a system of vast inequality between poor black communities and the middle class. Many of these private businesses use redlining to systematically shut minorities out of business opportunities, healthy food choices and banking options. Another example of how we see race in our society today is through college admissions. One of the first things we are asked to fill out in our applications is what race we are. Affirmative action has been created that takes factors such as race, gender, religion, into consideration in order to benefit an unrepresented group in education. This policy has been taken place in order to counter the effects of past discrimination. Although this seems like a good policy to equalize educational opportunity, it can also presents controversies on how different races are treated. For example, Abigail Fisher a white Texan was denied admissions into the University of Texas while less qualified Latinos and African Americans were accepted. University of Michigan’s college applications you automatically receive 20 points out of 100 if your black. The policies presented in the institutions of our society clearly present how race discrimination is still evident in our society. Because we have been so ingrained with racial differences it is hard to escape, we need to be willing to hold equal values for everyone in order to truly see change. As another major institution in society, the media plays a critical role in racial discrimination. They provide us with definitions about who we are as a nation; they reinforce our values and norms; they give us concrete examples of what happens to those who transgress these norms; and most importantly, they perpetuate certain ways of seeing the world and peoples within that world. Racism has been evident in media for quite some time and has influenced many people. Birth of the Nation by D. W. Griffith was one of the many ways that displayed African Americans as inferior. The film featured two themes in which suggested that the KKK had been responsible for quelling the unrest in the South after the civil war, and that African Americans were the cause of all the problems in the United States. â€Å"Griffith seared images of degraded images into the minds of millions. A whole new generation of consumers of American mass media was fed the same old stereotypes of shape images of African Americans† (Lee Baker). Even as it did back then, the media still plays an important role in reinforcing our thoughts about racial inferiority. Today the Media have divided the working class and stereotyped young African-American males as gangsters or drug dealers. As a result of such treatment, the media have crushed youths’ prospects for future employment and advancement. The media have focused on the negative aspects of the black community (e. g.engaging in drug use, criminal activity, welfare abuse) while maintaining the cycle of poverty that the elite wants. Because we have been brainwashed by racism in media for so long, it has affected the way we view people today and has created divisions in our society in the 21st century. The 21st Century has brought about many attempted changes in society. There is legislation against discrimination in its many forms. Affirmative action has been used as an attempt to ensure individuals are given equal opportunity for employment, housing, and other types of advancement. Television shows have changed format and characters to seek political correctness. Nevertheless, society cleverly and subtly maintains its separate views of the races. With this the racism in the institutions in our society such as the in the media or education, makes it extremely difficult for certain people to advance in life. There will always be those who will fight for change while others resist, seeking to maintain the status quo. But overall there can still be no improvement unless many individuals work together for equality.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Investigate different ways in which reaction times Essay

Some people have slower reaction times than others. To find this out, I have decided to test some people in my class. We are now going to investigate different ways in which reaction times of people can be measured. Reaction times A reaction time is how long a person takes to react to something. Methods of Testing Reaction Times 1: Time how long it takes to move from one point to another, after being told to start by a blow of a whistle, clap of hands or simply by saying go. 2: Time how long it takes to rise from the blocks in a race. 3: Time how long it takes a person to react when someone instructs them to stand up. 4: Time how long it takes for a person to press a button when a buzzer goes off, record how long the buzzer is ringing for. 5: Time how long it rakes for someone to turn off a light when it starts flashing using an electronic device to time how long it takes for the light to be switched off. 6: Drop a ruler and measure the distance it drops before the person catches it. The class discussed all of the above methods and decided that some would not work and that some wouldn’t be possible due to lack of resources. The class decided to use the same method of measuring reaction times so that we could collect enough data. 1: This method would be very hard to time, as the accuracy of the time would also depend upon the reaction time of the person holding the stopwatch. Also the time taken would not only measure reaction time it would also depend on how fast the person can run. 2: This would be a good method if we had access to Olympic standard equipment, which would measure the time electronically from the sound of the gun to rising from the blocks. 3: This method, just like number 1, would be hard to do. The time again would also depend upon how quickly the person can move to a standing position. The reaction time is how long it takes to begin to stand and this would not be possible to measure. 4: We cannot record this properly as we do not have any stopwatches to make sure we have an accurate reading. 5: This applies the exact same as number 4, we do not have the possible equipment for this method. 6: This is possible as the distance the ruler drops only depends upon the reaction time of the person trying to catch the ruler. After considering all the possible methods, my class decided to use the dropping of a ruler and measuring how far it falls. When we conduct this experiment, the arm will be held out at shoulder length and the ruler will be held between the thumb and the index finger at 0cm. We shall work in pairs, one person will say go and the other person will release and try to catch the ruler with the same hand. The first person will keep a record of the distance the ruler has dropped. We will assume that the longer the distance means greater time.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Policies to Enhance the Safety Measures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Policies to Enhance the Safety Measures - Essay Example The health and social care organisations are often exposed to major health related risks. It is obvious that a workplace should possess its own set of schedules and norms to maintain standard health and safety practices for the service providers. Since, the health and the social workers work in a dynamic and hazardous environment, which is exposed to severe risk, the requirement for safety is at the maximum for these workers (Health and Social Care Board, 2011). Health & Safety measures adopted in health and social care workplace represents that the people working in hazardous situations are protected with negative or adverse consequences. The practitioners providing services are most exposed to the risks rising at the social as well as healthcare centres. It is worth mentioning that effective communication of information about such policies is one of the important practices, which has the potentiality to ensure greater health along with safety of the individuals working in a particu lar workplace. Again, in order to maintain safety at workplace, it should be mandatory for all the employees to follow the legislative regulations laid down by their respective companies to form as well as develop a secured environment (Health and Social Care Board, 2011).. In order to develop the health and safety measures in the healthcare organisations, the Director of such organisations must pass a mandate with written norms of health and safety measures, which need to be followed for enhancing safety at workplace. To maintain greater health and safety at the workplace, the Director should follow the systems and the procedures that entail implementing policies within his directorate, disseminating those within the staff by explaining the area of responsibility and including new staff as a part of induction plan. In order to enhance the overall performance, the policies would also incorporate the measures like providing leadership.

Does China Threaten U.S. Global Economic Dominance Research Paper

Does China Threaten U.S. Global Economic Dominance - Research Paper Example In the  recent  global  economic  crisis of 2008-2009, China also managed to recover faster than United States which is still in the process of recovering from high unemployment rate, national debt and widening fiscal deficit. This  disparity  in economic performance led many to  consider  that perhaps the balance of power has already shifted from United States to China. To assess whether China threatens U.S. global economic dominance, it would be necessary to examine the factors that could threaten the US position as a global economic superpower and make a comparison between the two countries. That way, we would know if China is already threat to US’s global economic dominance. Economic dominance is a critical barometer of being a superpower because economics drives everything including a country’s ability to influence the world. Economic power includes  absolute  GDP (Gross Domestic Product) or a country’s total output that will  translate   to resources that can be used for defense purposes, projection of power and ability to influence the world. In totality, what really would matter if a certain country already threatens the economic dominance of United States is if its economy is already near as large as that of the economy of United States. In this regard, US economy is still about eight times bigger than China and has massive industrial and technological complex to support and sustain the growth of its economy.   Its currency is still used as the world's  reserve currency and it is not likely that the US dollar will be replaced by other currency soon or specifically by the Chinese Yuanii.   China's economy in contrast is eight times smaller than United States.   Further,  China is burdened with its huge population of 1.3 billion. Such that when its GDP is divided among its 1.3 billion population, its GDP will translate to a very low per capita income.   In 2007 pre-economic crisis, China’s pe r capita income was only $2,000 compared to US per capita income of $42,000.   China is not yet considered developed because there are still  400 million Chinese who lives in its rural area who survive on less than $2 per day and another 200 million lives on less than a dollar a dayiii.   Ã‚  China’s  weakness  includes its lack of multinational corporations.  China does not  even  have its own industrial complex and its economy is heavily dependent on Western enterprise.   If US pulls out of China, China will be on its knees because it is heavily dependent on US industries and market. United States economic might translates to its overwhelming military superiority over China.   Military superiority is a critical dimension of power because it enables a country to assert itself when it needs to defend its interest in the global arena and that includes economic interest.   The gauge of military superiority is not limited to the number of troops but also in cludes the sophistication of its military hardware.   The huge  size of US economy enables it to allocate a military budget that is not equaled by China.   It only allocates 4% of its total GDP on defense but due to the sheer size of its economy, this translates to a $600 billion military budget.    Compared to US budget of $600 billion for military expenditure, China has only a military budget of   $50 to $70 billion (although Pentagon doubt that such figure is understated) which only comprises one eight

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Might Different Types of Offenders Best Be Deterred From Crime Essay

How Might Different Types of Offenders Best Be Deterred From Crime - Essay Example Therefore with the use of rational theory, criminologists often assume that those who commit criminal acts had the option of rationalizing their decision against those of the basic social norms. For one reason or another they chose to commit a crime but again, this theory depicts the fact that it was their choice, they were not forced to do so (Blossfield & Prein 1998, p.5). Of course, rational theory is neither a sociological nor a criminological theory that can be used to analyze all offenders because there are relative differences between individuals, even those who commit crime. Let's take for instance criminals who engage in white collar crime. This form of crime is concisely opposite crimes that include acts of brutal murder, rape, and kidnapping, etc. The reason this is stated is this form of crime takes initiative on the criminals' part and in fact they rationalize their choices before they ever break the law. Therefore, because these types of offender's are generally rational in their though processes and in their actions to engage in criminal activity, law enforcement would have to use a varied deterrence technique to try and sway and deter this types of offenders from repeating their criminal intentions and also to prosecute them correctly through the judicial system (Uggen & Piliavin 1998). It has been found that because these types of offen ders think logically and weigh the consequences of their actions the more traditional forms of law enforcement work well to keep them and others from becoming repetitive in their criminal attitudes. Law enforcement officials have learned that when a white collar criminal is prosecuted and punished severely for their actions it often acts as a deterrent in society, such as with the Martha Stewart case and the issue with falsifying documents on the stock market, etc. Once one white collar crime is prosecuted correctly it minimizes how many more there would be to follow, there is no doubt about this. In cases of criminal violence and murder, the use of deterrents would of course not be the same as the one's used for white collar crime, simply because of the variations to the types of crime in particular. For example, prosecution of someone who commits murder is definitely not enough of a legal influence to prevent other violent offenders from committing this same form of crime. What it can do however is prevent that one individual from going out and committing the same type of violent act, but again it won't persuade other offenders who have not been caught and faced punishment themselves (Uggen & Piliavin 1998). However, for those criminals who don't seem to be able to rationalize their own actions it has been found that the best way to deter them from being repeat offenders is by incarceration because releasing them back into society has shown that there is a great risk of them repeating their actions. This is all in how they view their behavior and don't think logically such a s how an offender of white collar crime analyzes their own actions. White collar offenders weigh the pro's and cons of their actions that are going to take place. If they find that the consequences will be harsher than any benefit that they could gleam out of breaking the law then they simply won't do it. Violent offenders do not rationalize in this manner. They are more

Monday, August 26, 2019

'The principle of binding precedent is too inflexible and stifles the Essay

'The principle of binding precedent is too inflexible and stifles the development of the law. It should be abolished.' Discu - Essay Example Similarly if the binding precedent was one that allows for same sex marriages the judge would have to rule in favour of that statute regardless of their own personally held belief to the contrary2. This principal has been followed in jurisprudence in all of the countries that follow the precepts of common law3. There are a couple of situations that must obtain where the Binding Precedent has to be followed. The first is that the courts accept the hierarchy that is in place and the superiority of the court or judge that ruled in the binding precedent. The level of the court can also be the same as the one hearing the latter case. The second situation is that the material facts of law in the latter case must be similar or be based on the same principle as the matter in the original precedent. Binding precedents, as a whole, are usually covered by the doctrine or principle of the Latin maxim: Stare Decisiset Non QueitaMovere which in its most literal translation means â€Å"stand by th e decision and do not unsettle the established†. ... The first of such reasons is for the efficiency that the use of device of binding precedentaffords as well as the savings in time and resources in the deliberation and ruling on a matter at hand. The binding precedent does not stifle the development of law but rather improves the efficiency of the application of law. The main principle here being that if each and every judgement was made as a â€Å"fresh† or â€Å"new† ruling, without relying on an kind of precedence then it would result in an arbitrary and unnecessary delay in the judicial decision-making process. The use of the binding precedent therefore results in a much faster and more efficient administration of justice and employs this time-saving device in a way that results in a faster and more efficient legal process. If a similar matter has been heard and determined during a previous time and most probably by a court of higher authority there really is no reason why a lower court should not dispense of the de cision in quicker fashion by accepting the precedent. The binding precedent also provides the administration of justice with a certain degree of certainty. It allows litigants to approach the courts with a certainty that all things being equal then the balance of justice would be the same regardless of the time and place of its actual implementation4. The binding precedent means that lawyers can advise their clients with confidence and certainty on matters of legal principle knowing that the previously existing authorities will be able to bear them out and results in a greater confidence in the law by those that pursue claims through the court process. Binding precedent ensures that the lesson learnt in previous judgements and ruling is therefore consistently and similarly applied in future and that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Edward Muybridge 19th centiry sequential photography Essay

Edward Muybridge 19th centiry sequential photography - Essay Example Georges Mà ©lià ¨s was a French magician and filmmaker, who is known for his innovative technical tricks in filmmaking, and other narrative developments during the initial stages of filmmaking. He started his foray into the entertainment business by purchasing Theatre Robert Houdin. There he conducted performances which revolved around magic tricks as well as illusionist techniques, thereby bringing out an interesting aspect of French Culture. When the Lumià ¨re brothers showcased their first moving picture and the camera, which captured those pictures, Melies wanted to buy that camera. As there was no favorable response from the Lumiere brothers, Mà ©lià ¨s purchased another motion picture camera from UK, and started making his own films. â€Å"Mà ©lià ¨s' first films were straightforward cityscapes and event films, but soon he was using the camera to document magic acts and gags from the stage of the Theatre Robert-Houdin† (Larson). Even while making those sorts of fi lms, purely by accident Melies discovered how the camera can be manipulated to create special efforts. He expanded those initial tricks to come up with complex special effects. It was widely regarded that he only pioneered the first double exposure shots, the first split screen with actors acting opposite of themselves, and also the first dissolve through double or multiple exposure shots, â€Å"he was able to create an illusion of people and objects appearing and disappearing at will, or changing from one form to another.† (Larson).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Professional Conduct in IT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Professional Conduct in IT - Assignment Example As an employee, I am an agent to my employer. My employer would be vicariously liable for my wrongful acts within the scope of my employment, and if I were to decide to fix the system, the criminal liability of abetting tax would also fall on my employer (Berta, 2003). I am required to exercise due diligence in the normal course of my duties for the company, since any misconduct on my part could place civil or criminal liability on my employer. My duty as an IT practitioner is to provide professional review of systems in accordance to existing laws and regulations. I also have the duty of improving public understanding of computing, and I should use my professional knowledge and expertise to offer comprehensive evaluations of computer systems (ACM 2008). As such, I would make the clients understand the possible consequences of subjecting the system to wrongful use, as they are obviously doing. I would not go to the extent of reporting the matter to the authorities. However, although I have the duty to maintain client confidentiality, I would report my diagnosis of the system to my employer, and explain that my failure to fix the problem is due to its contradiction with my IT professional ethics. Reporting the matter to the authorities does not fall under my area of expertise, and I am only liable for actions falling under my professional duty to either my employer or the customers. My professional ethics cover the area of IT, guiding my relations with the client and employer, product management, professional judgment, and overall professional conduct (IEEE Computer Society 2011). As such, I would not be held professionally responsible for not reporting the matter to the authorities. However, my personal moral principles would determine the extent to which I go in search of justice for the company’s tax fraud. Reference List ACM 2008, ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Retrieved October 20, 2011, from f Berta, J. 2003, Employer Liability for the Wrongful Acts of its Employees, McCarthy Tetrault LLP , pp. 1-13. IEEE Computer Society 2011, Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. Retrieved October 20, 2011, from Question 2: What due diligence requires in such a case A request to fix a system that obviously aids in illegal and unethical practice, in this case tax fraud, presents an ethical dilemma to an IT practitioner (Adams & McCrindle 2008). Professionally, the practitioner has a duty to the employer as well as to the customer, and is also required to maintain proper conduct in adherence to professional code of conduct. If faced with the request to fix the system, I would decline based on the illegality of the practice being upheld. As a professional, I should not make deliberate deceptive claims concerning a system, but should instead disclose any pertinent issue evident in the system (Peslak 2007). In this case, I would make it known to the clients that their system is faulty due to its application in unlawful practices. I would be honest with the clients, letting them know where the problem is in the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Con position - Unwilling patients should undergo routine lifesaving Essay

Con position - Unwilling patients should undergo routine lifesaving procedures against their will - Essay Example In this regard, my position in such views is that patients should not undergo routine lifesaving procedures against their will. As much as making them undergo the life saving procedures is for their own good, doing so against their will is illegal. Pozgar (2012) claims that medical directives passed a Do Not resuscitate order explaining the concept of patient self-rule to some situations in which they are not able to make some crucial decisions because of incapacitation. This law instructs the doctors not to perform resuscitation cardiopulmonary or life-saving procedures to patients against their will and other life procedures in terms of restarting the breathing or heart once it ceases. This medical order is one of the key legal concepts that place medical limits in terms of treatment, as well as guides the doctors on the options and wishes of the patient and therefore helps the patient’s family members make decisions according to patient’s wishes. Therefore, one should not resuscitate a patient against his will. Additionally, some doctors tend to take advantage on the patient’s situation or illness and can prefer to perform life saving procedures on the patient. Ashton, Barbara, Lyer, & Shea (2006) claim that there are some circumstances that exist before taking a human life, in which such decisions must be approved and justified. Guidelines should be followed in the medical grounds when it comes to making some decisions on patients who are extremely ill or have severe injuries that are hard to establish. Despite some life procedures designed to avoid the suffering of the patient, in some medical cases which are irreversible, medical personnel should not use them on patients against their will. This is because the procedures should only be used on the patients if they have communicated or authorized to be saved in case of emergencies (Pozgar, 2012). Additionally, some patients die because of some

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Eth125 Diversity Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Eth125 Diversity Worksheet Essay Answer each question in 50 to 150 words. Provide citations for all the sources you use. 1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? Diversity is having variety. Diversity is valued because there are all sorts of ethnic groups, races, household income ranges, etc. Diversity can be classified as basically what runs our countries economy in a way if you just think about it. All these races and ethnic groups with a various range of incomes and the more money made, the more money spent, which in return boosts our economy. 2. What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society? Ethnocentrism is the belief in the superiority of the nation or group to which someone belongs. It can be detrimental to society because there are groups and people out there that don’t believe that the nation is superior and that everyone just needs to live their own lives not caring about anyone else. Some people have a negative attitude towards superiority in the nation and it’s government as a result of what our government does and what it doesn’t do also. Like people think the government is trying to take everyones homes away from them as a result of the government raising property taxes which is just plain stupid because there are so many low income families that can’t afford property taxes as it is and there’s going to end up being a lot of bank owned homes all over the U. S. if they keep raising taxes and what not. That’s the perspective I have on it. 3. Define emigration and immigration. Emigration is when someone intentionally moves from their home country to permanently settle in another. Immigration is when someone or a group of people move into another country or region to which they are not native in order to settle there. 4. What are some of the ways groups of people are identified? Ways groups are identified are race, ethnicity, religion and gender. 5. Why do people label and group other people? People label and group other people in order to give them a distinct identity in the society. Labeling can be both positive and negative to the individual that is being labeled. 6. Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain. Culture is the behaviors and beliefs that are characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. No, culture is not limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds as its a multi-layered property of our societies and people from other cultures are also influenced by the many groups of people that make up the country.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analysis of Characters of Chaucer and Austen Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Characters of Chaucer and Austen Essay In contrast, during the Hanoverian period during which Austen lived, society was based on the material possessions of an individual (or their future inheritance), family connections, and marriage. Chaucer outlines his time period through his characters: the church body through the Friar, and the working class through the Plowman. Likewise, Austen uses her protagonist, Mrs. Bennet, to mock how people of her own social class behaved during her era. Chaucer uses the Friar to demonstrate the immoral nature of the church during his time. One of the groups of people that Chaucer satirizes is the clergy. Amongst them, he attacks the character of the Friar as corrupt and dishonest. Historical evidence shows that friars were more often than not very corrupt and schemed to obtain worldly goods such as money. Many friars â€Å"came under wider criticism for worldliness and immorality† (Christianity†¦). They acted as if they had no money, but were in actuality living a fairly luxurious life. Chaucer compares the coat of Hubert, the Friar, to that of â€Å"a lord or like a pope. Of double worsted was his semi-cope† (Chaucer 8). Hubert was also â€Å"rounded like a bell†, indicating that he had enough food to eat, and did not necessarily have to beg for sustenance (8). Once at the house of a crippled man, the Friar asks for food. Now, dame, said he then, je vous dis, sans doute, Had I of a fat capon but the liver, And of your soft white bread naught but a sliver, And after that a pigs head well roasted (Save that I would no beast for me were dead), Then had I with you plain sufficiency. I am a man of little gluttony. My spirit has its nourishment in the Bible†. (313) This statement by the Friar epitomizes the relationship of the common people to those of the church at this time: while pretending to not have or need a lot, the clergy will steal from the lower class. â€Å"[The Friar] uses his position in the church to get money† (The Frior†¦). The middle class however, does not mistrust the church body as shown by the Plowman. In contrast to the corrupt church, Chaucer demonstrates the honesty and piousness of the middle class through the Plowman during the Post-Classical period*. Even though the church was trying to extract money and goods from his class, the Plowman â€Å"paid his taxes, fully, fairly, well, / Both by his own toil and by stuff he’d sell†, meaning that he trusted the church and was honest (Chaucer 15). â€Å"Chaucer here negates the commonly held perception of the peasant’s supposed hatred of the church† (FREE study†¦). Chaucer writes that the Plowman was a good Christian follower as he uses the two greatest commandments to describe the Plowman: â€Å"He loved God most, and that with his whole heart/ †¦ / And next, his neighbor, even as himself (Chaucer 15). The Plowman also â€Å"[lived] in peace and perfect charity†, another allusion to the teachings of Jesus Christ as written in the Bible. Another example of his piousness is shown when Chaucer writes that â€Å"[he’d] thresh and dig, with never thought of pelf, / For Christ’s own sake, for every poor wight, / All without pay, if it lay in his might† (15). The fact that the Plowman did not think of pelf, or money gained in a dishonest way, shows how he was not materialistic like the clergy. Chaucer also states that the Plowman would work (without thinking of gaining money) for the sakes of Jesus Christ and those poor, and less fortunate without receiving money. Although people of this period could live while not thinking about money for the sake of charity, money was one of the main focuses for people, especially women, in Jane Austen’s time. Austen demonstrates through her character, Mrs. Bennet, the narrow-mindedness of women of this era. Jane Austen was born into a family of the landed gentry: a social rank consisting of landowners who did not have to work, and could live solely off the rent income. Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, was written about those in this social class, and their interaction with others in society. Mrs. Bennet directly personifies the women of her time as â€Å"she [had] five daughters, and finding them husbands [was] ‘the business of her life’† (Reef 88). â€Å"[Marriage] was the only honourable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune † (Austen 106). As Mrs. Bennet was very much occupied with seeing her daughters married, she â€Å"seemed incapable of fatigue while enumerating the advantages of the match† (124). This match refers to her eldest daughter possibly getting married to a man who has recently rented a house near Mrs. Bennet’s own and was â€Å"so rich† (124). From today’s standpoint, this point of view and way of living seems very materialistic, it is actually a very practical way to think for this time period. As property at this time was only passed down to male heirs, it is very understandable that Mrs. Bennet was so focused on marrying her daughters off to rich men because she and her husband (Mr. Bennet) had five daughters and no sons. This meant that the family property and money would go to a male cousin once Mr. Bennet died, and the females of the family would be turned out onto the streets. Another example of the time being reflected by Mrs. Bennet is the fact that she took her daughters to balls. Balls were common social events and a place where many women went for entertainment and in hope that they might find a husband. Because they learned from their mother, Mrs. Bennet’s daughters â€Å"[talked] of nothing but soldiers and balls† (Reef 90). Popular culture was also reflected through Austen’s character. Both Austen’s character (Mrs. Bennet) and Chaucer’s characters (the Friar, Hubert, and the Plowman) use traits of how different people acted in different times to show an in-depth picture of society at that time. It is through writing that readers and historians alike can catch a glimpse of what the social order looked like at the time. This thought provokes the following question: Which author(s) will the future generations read and what will they tell us about our society?

Public Goods In South African Agriculture Economics Essay

Public Goods In South African Agriculture Economics Essay Public goods are goods that are produced in order to serve communities, where all members of the community are served equally. This is possible since the consumption by one member of a community does not decrease the quantity or quality of the public good for another member of the community. In it pure form, public goods can therefore not be divided into pieces for every member of the community, but is a collective good, being indivisible. (Loehr Sandler, 1978, p. 12) To produce these public goods in a manner that will serve the communities that needs it and to allocate public goods efficient, policies are used to provide the structure. These policies are installed by government in order to correct the failure of the market. In order to understand this interrelation between market failure, government intervention, policies and private goods, one should start at the beginning, namely market failure. This should originally be the reason why there is government intervention by means of policies. In this paper market failure will be used to start the argument on policies on public goods in agriculture. Government intervention through policies to correct the malfunction of the market will be discussed after which there will be a discussion on public goods in agriculture as a result of the above mentioned and how these public goods are delivered in agriculture. Market Failure and Government Intervention 2.1 What Market Failure is Market failure exists when the market are unable to produce at a level which is Pareto optimal, Pareto optimality being a position in the market where one person in the market cannot be better off without at least one other person in the market being worse off. (Loehr Sandler, 1978, p. 11) According to Philip Black in Public Economics for South African students (2003, pp. 21-23) there are six reasons for market failures. Lack of Information A lack of information can cause market failure, since the information available to customers and producers are not necessarily at a level to equip them to make rational decisions. A possible solution to this problem is that governments should provide this information to society, but by definition private institutions are driven by profit, making them better at obtaining and distributing information than government agencies. (Black, Calitz, Steenekamp, 2003, pp. 21-22) Lags in Adjustments Lags in the adjustment of markets exist, even if lack of information is not the only reason. Time lagging can also occur if resources are not very mobile, meaning that it cannot adapt instantly to new information. Labour, for example, can only move from one job to another with some time passing, even though new job opportunities are available. Physical capital, like machinery, cannot be moved from one place to another at any moment, but can only happen at highly irregular time periods. (Black, Calitz, Steenekamp, 2003, p. 22) Incomplete Markets When supply of certain products cannot meet the demand for those products, incomplete markets arise. For these reason public goods, such as street lighting, defence security, etc. is installed. Markets can also not take full responsibility for the external cost and benefits that are associated with individual behaviour and therefore markets are incomplete. (Black, Calitz, Steenekamp, 2003, p. 22) Non-competitive Markets Markets fail when it is characterised by non-competitiveness. By this, which happens more often than not, is meant that the competitiveness is taken out of the market. These reasons are monopolies and oligopolies in commodity markets, minimum wage restrictions on labour, and many more. (Black, Calitz, Steenekamp, 2003, p. 22) Macroeconomic Instability Markets can fail because of instability in the economys macro environment. The macro environment includes attacks on the countrys currency and other factors. This macroeconomic instability can cause markets to take too long to adjust to the exogenous shocks and government intervention through policy might be needed to rescue the situation. (Black, Calitz, Steenekamp, 2003, pp. 22-23) Distribution of Income The distribution of income is and will probably never be reasonable and fair in a sense that it will be satisfactory to the wide community or government which represents that community. Therefore Pareto optimality in the allocation of resources will not happen, thus leading to classification of market failure. This issue of skew distribution of wealth has been addressed by governments by creating wealth in a growing population through policy. (Black, Calitz, Steenekamp, 2003, p. 23) Government Intervention Government intervention in the market can be done in three different ways, the approaches being an allocative function, distributive function, and stabilisation function. Allocative Function The allocative function of governments who are intervening in the market is to address the issues of incomplete markets and non-competitive markets, as discussed previously. Through direct intervention in the market, governments can correct incomplete markets, such as supplying street lights, etc. Through indirect government, also known as the regulatory function of the government, non-competitive markets are regulated, with policies such as the competition policy which is intended to prevent monopolies from acting abusive. (Black, Calitz, Steenekamp, 2003, pp. 24,26) Distributive Function This function of the government is especially angled at the market failure of income distribution. The government use a model to determine how it should spread wealth. This models outcome is positively correlated with the participants in the markets original distribution of labour and capital. This model, however, is does not determine how fair this distribution is. This distributive function of the government comes in the form of direct intervention in the market through taxes and as a regulatory function it makes use if subsidies and transfer payments. (Black, Calitz, Steenekamp, 2003, pp. 24-26) Stabilisation Function To correct the market failure of the inability of the economy to react adequately to macro environment factors, governments intervene by means of its stabilisation function. Stabilisation of the market to reach the macroeconomic objectives is also part of this function. The appropriate monetary and fiscal policy would be installed by government to keep the market from failing to accomplish price stability, an acceptable economic growth rate, sound balance of payments, etc. This can be done through direct intervention in the market as well as through a regulatory function where indirect taxes and subsidies help to achieve fiscal objectives indirectly. (Black, Calitz, Steenekamp, 2003, pp. 25-26) Public Goods in General Types of Goods There are two properties that indicate the type of goods, namely excludability and rivalry. These two properties can be used in a table form (see Table 1) in order to differentiate Private goods, Common goods, Club goods, and Public goods from each other. Table : Different types of goods (Solum, 2009) From Table 1 the following can be drawn: Private goods are goods where the benefits are fully rival and excludable, for example fuel. Common goods are goods where the benefits are rival but non-excludable, for example fish. Club goods are goods where the benefits are non-rivalry but excludable, for example cinemas. Public goods are goods where the benefits are non-rivalry and non-excludable, for example national defence. Common goods and Club goods are part of the larger impure public goods group, since in pure form they do not have excludability or rivalry. Pure private goods are therefore goods of which the benefits are pure rival and excludable. Pure public goods are thus goods of which the benefits are pure non-rival and non-excludable. (Cornes Sandler, 1986, pp. 6-7) Characteristics of Public Goods There are 5 characteristics of public goods that will be discussed, two of which defines it from other type of goods, as mentioned above. Non-rival Public goods are non-rival, meaning that consumption by one person does not influence the consumption by another person. There is therefore no competition between consumers for the use of the specific product. (Moeti, Khalo, Mafunisa, Makondo, Nsingo, 2007, p. 24) Non-excludable Public goods are non-excludable, making it practically impossible to abstain it from one person if it is allowed for another. The problem that comes with non-excludability is the free-rider problem, where people who do not pay for the product still benefit from it, since they cannot get excluded from it. It is therefore necessary for governments to intervene and produce these products, since it cannot be produced profitably by the private sector. (Moeti, Khalo, Mafunisa, Makondo, Nsingo, 2007, p. 24) Non-apportionable Public goods are non-apportionable since it cannot be measured in order to provide it in units which can have a price attached to it and sold for that price. In this case, it is possible for water to be either a public good or not, since water can be made available to a whole community at no charge or it can be sold in bottles in a shop. (Moeti, Khalo, Mafunisa, Makondo, Nsingo, 2007, p. 24) Monopolistic Public goods can be monopolistic, making it products where there is only one role player in the market, namely the government. Governments can produce the goods that the public demand by making use of the structure of a natural monopoly. In a natural monopoly it is more efficient to have only one player (producer) in the market than more than one. (Moeti, Khalo, Mafunisa, Makondo, Nsingo, 2007, p. 25) No Direct Quid Pro Quo Quid pro quo is a Latin term which means something for something. Public goods are therefore goods with no direct quid pro quo, meaning no something for something, it this case a public good in return for money (quid pro quo is very much applicable for private goods). By paying taxes, tax payers do not receive public goods to the same value of the tax they paid, but receive whatever any other person receives, irrespective of the amount of tax they pay. Progressive scales for taxes and fiscal spending are installed in order to guide the receiving and spending of tax money of public goods. (Moeti, Khalo, Mafunisa, Makondo, Nsingo, 2007, p. 25) Public Policies Theory on Public Policy towards Externalities Externalities can cause markets to allocate resources in an insufficient way, externalities being the impact of one persons actions on a bystanders wellbeing without compensating the bystander for it. To correct the cause of externalities, governments can make use of command-and-control policies by which behaviour is directly regulated, or it can make use of market-based policies which is indirect and provides incentive to decision makers to correct the problem themselves. (Mankiw Taylor, 2006, pp. 198,464) Direct Regulation of Externalities By regulating the market directly, governments enforce certain boundaries or restrictions onto role players in the market in order to counter externalities. For example, by installing an upper limit on the amount of pollution that a factory is allowed, governments adopt a command-and-control policy. (Mankiw Taylor, 2006, p. 198) Indirect Regulation of Externalities By indirectly regulating the market, governments make use of market-based policies to counter an externality. In doing this, governments provide better alignment of private incentives with social efficiency at a lower cost to society. Pigovian taxes, named after Arthur Pigou, are taxes which are used to counter the effect of negative externalities. By this method of taxing, pollution, as the example is in the direct regulation of externalities, will be taxed per unit of pollution. The more the factory pollutes, the higher the tax payment and therefore this method creates an incentive to pollute less, since it decreases profit. (Mankiw Taylor, 2006, pp. 198-199) Policies on Public Goods Richard Cornes and Todd Sandler argues in their book, The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods (1986, p. 69) that public goods in its pure form a special case of an externality is. This would mean that the policies on public goods should be aligned with the policies on externalities discussed in the previous section, namely command-and-control policies and market-based policies. In this section it will become clear whether that is the case as well as what exactly the policy methods are that are used for public goods. According to Leonard Champney (1988, p. 989)in his article, Public Goods and Policy Types, governments can either make use of regulation policies, where the incentives of the government are coercive, or of distribution policies, where the incentives of the government are economic. Coercive can be defined as intimidating people to comply. By further looking at the difference between productive indivisibilities and consumptive indivisibilities, it will be possible to describe the eight types of policies that Champney refers to in his paper. Champney describes productive indivisibilities as products that are produced for one, and because of the indivisibility of public goods, is therefore produced for all. An example of a productive indivisibility product produced by government is a light house. Consumptive indivisibility refers to the consumption of a product produced by government where the consumption by one has a positive influence on others, even though they are excluded from the direct consumption. An example of a consumptive indivisible product produced by government is education. The government can choose to whom education is made available to consume, but the whole society will benefit from it, being more politically stable, economically productive, and technologically advanced. Governments can decide to produc e productive indivisibilities or consumptive indivisibilities. (Champney, 1988, p. 988) Now the eight types of policies can be illustrated and discussed. Table : Government policies for individual targets Table : Government policies for group targets (Champney, 1988, p. 989) Type 1: Internal and External Security Products produced under Type 1 are productive indivisible products and is enforced through regulation onto individuals; the government thus make use of coercive powers as a monopoly and use taxation of individuals (compulsory) to pay for the public goods. Example: national defence. (Champney, 1988, pp. 989-990) Type 2: Compulsory Education Products produce under Type 2 are consumptive indivisible and is enforced through regulation onto individuals. Public goods, such as education which is forced onto young people, are type 2 public goods, since they (the young people) are forced to consume the product. Also, occupational licensure plays a role to ensure that an incompetent physician do not give medical care so that the whole community are forced to consume this product which have indivisible consequences. (Champney, 1988, p. 990) Type 3: Subsidies to Individuals Governments are able to move away from regulatory policies by making use of compulsory taxation in order to provide distributive policies which are more economically aligned. Direct subsidies to individuals, which are productive indivisible and distributive, are type 3 products. Example: soldiers get paid for their duty instead of being forced to enrol. (Champney, 1988, p. 990) Type 4: Subsidies to Individuals Type 4 subsidies to individuals are subsidies which are consumptive indivisible and distributive, therefore being promoting the consumption of a product by means of a subsidy. An example of this is grants for individuals to further their studies to a higher education level. (Champney, 1988, p. 990) Type 5: Environmental Regulations Groups are targeted with this type. Environmental regulations are regulative and productive indivisible by nature. Governments make use of this type of policy to attempt to make the environment better. As an example, corporations must comply with the limit that a government sets on pollution of air and water. (Champney, 1988, p. 990) Type 6: Regulation of Natural Monopoly Regulation of natural monopolies are done by governments in order to assure that provision of a good or service is reasonable and not subject to price setting, price discrimination, and other destructive activities. These types of consumptive indivisible and regulated products are often products which the economy cannot run properly without, such as communication services, and for which there are no substitutes readily available. (Champney, 1988, p. 990) Type 7: Subsidies to Corporations Type 7 subsidies are subsidies to corporations which are productive indivisible and are executed by the distribution function of the government. These subsidies are given to corporations directly or indirectly for leading activities which helps with the production of public goods. An example will be a subsidy to a corporation which produces weapons for usage in a public service, namely the military force. (Champney, 1988, p. 990) Type 8: Subsidies to Research Development Consumptive goods which are indivisible and promoted by distribution form the last of the eight types. By giving subsidies/grants, the government ensures that the necessary research and development is done in order to provide communication services and transportation in the economy. The objective is to give subsidies/grants to key strategic industries, which other sectors in the economy depend on, to do research and development. Through the subsidising of research and development, technical knowledge spreads throughout societies. An example will be subsidies for agricultural RD. (Champney, 1988, p. 990) South African agriculture Public goods in South African agriculture Public goods or services provided by the South African government include a list of 55 services under its Department of Agriculture (see Annexure A). These services are available under the five programmes of the Department of Agriculture (DoA), namely: Administration Livelihoods, Economics and Business Development Bio-security and Disaster Management Production and Resources Management Sector Services and Partnerships (DoA, 2009, pp. 18, 64-65) The purpose and budget of each of these programmes will be discussed. Administration The administration programme of the DoA provides the overall administrative as well as performance overview, with a focus on strategic leadership and management in die DoA. Capital investments are also managed under Administration. This programme had a budget of R 301 627 000 for the financial year 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009. (DoA, 2009, pp. 24, 29) Livelihoods, Economic and Business Development Food security for households, shared growth and commercial viability for emerging farmers are the objective of the programme. To achieve the objective, this programme makes use of targeted programmes and appropriate policies in the agricultural sector in order to support equitable access to this sector, which in return will make it possible to achieve its (the programmes) objective. This programme had a budget of R 751 451 000 for the financial year 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009. This money was allocated in the following manner to the subsections of this programme: Management R 1 208 000 Livelihoods Development Support R 604 056 000 Trade and Business Development R 92 461 000 Economic and Statistical Services R 31 267 000 National Agricultural Marketing Council R 22 459 000 (DoA, 2009, pp. 18, 80) Livelihoods Development Support as a sub-programme of Livelihoods, Economic and Business Development, contribute to communities by supporting them through public goods/services, which includes policies, norms, programmes, legislation and information in order to provide post-settlement support to emerging farmers, finance agricultural development, promote farmer cooperatives, start village banks and provide food security. The largest part of the budget for this sub-programme was spent on transfers to provinces and municipalities where they used this money, amongst other programmes, under the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme. (DoA, 2009, pp. 34, 81) Trade and Business Development aids the process of making international and domestic markets more accessible by South African products, promotes BEE in agriculture and interacts with National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC). The largest part of this budget goes towards transfers to public entities, such as the ArgiBEE Charter Council and NAMC. (DoA, 2009, pp. 8, 34) Economic and Statistical Services grant money in order to aid the process of collecting and analysing agricultural statistics as well as interact with Statistics South Africa. This sub-programme is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating the economic performance of the agricultural sector, with reports on the economic performance issued quarterly. (DoA, 2009, p. 34) NAMC as a part of the budget for Livelihoods, Economic and Business Development solely focus on statutory measures in agriculture. The changes to the constitutional measures are presented to the Minister of Agriculture and are done by NAMC. The application of these constitutional measures is also revised every two years and presented to the Minister of Agriculture. (DoA, 2009, p. 15) Bio-security and Disaster Management This programme of the DoA main functions are to manage the risks involved in animal diseases, plant pests and GMOs as well as to handle the registration of products that are used in the agricultural field. This is done to safeguard human health and to ensure food safety and security. Reducing the risks of natural disasters through management planning of agricultural risk and disasters is also part of the programme. This programme can be divided into two sub-programmes, excluding general management: Management R 1 551 000 Plant Health and Inspection Services R 138 225 000 Food, Animal Health and Disaster Management R 470 367 000 (DoA, 2009, pp. 43, 82) The Plant Health and Inspection Services sub-programme is responsible for the development of systems and policies in order to manage the risks involved with plant pests and diseases and GMOs. These systems and policies are also developed to enhance the trading of products of plant origin, to manage the movement of regulated articles and good quality control of regulated products. The largest part of this sub-programmes budget goes towards employee compensation and the goods and services provided. (DoA, 2009, pp. 43, 83) The management of food, health and disasters by this sub-programme consists of the reduction and management of risk with which animal diseases are associated. It also manages the promotion of trading in animal products of origin and ensures food safety. Lastly it entails the development of management strategies for agricultural risks and disasters. Disaster management is the most significant part of the transfers to provinces and municipalities as well as to households. (DoA, 2009, pp. 43, 83) Production and Resource Management The sustainable use and protection of water and land is important to this programme of the DoA. Through this programme this objectives are strived towards by the identification of opportunities and development of strategies for the agricultural sector to be profitable and to optimise agricultural productivity. The sub-programmes are Agricultural Production, and Engineering Services and Resource Management. The budget for are allocated as follows: Management R 1 525 000 Agricultural Production R 275 734 000 Engineering, Energy, Resource Use and Management R 202 778 000 (DoA, 2009, pp. 47, 84) Agricultural Production, as a sub-programme, focuses on assisting the process of improving agricultural productivity, especially in the field of sustainable aquaculture, animal, and plant systems. This sub-programme is also responsible for administrating various acts that apply to this field. The largest part of the budget for Agricultural Production goes towards provinces and municipalities for programmes in the different regions. (DoA, 2009, p. 47) The Engineering Services and Resource Management sub-programme has a treble focus, namely to assist infrastructure development in agriculture, to facilitate agricultural resource use, and to promote the community-based programme, LandCare. The facilitation of agricultural resource use includes the auditing of natural resources, the control of migratory pests, as well as agricultural land protection and rehabilitation. The largest single expense is the LandCare Programme. (DoA, 2009, pp. 47, 66) Sector Services and Partnerships This programme ultimately consists of two parts, the one focusing of services to the sector, the other on partnership with parties outside the sector. The purpose of this programme is therefore to execute the work set out for each of its sub-programmes, the sub-programmes being Sector Services, and International, Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Relations. Together with the management of this programme and the Agricultural Research Council, this above mentioned two sub-programmes forms the core around which the Sector Services and Partnerships budget is spent. Spending is allocated as follows: Management R 10 691 000 Sector Services R 196 518 000 International, Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Relations R 72 370 000 Agricultural Research Council (ARC) R 514 556 000 (DoA, 2009, pp. 51, 86) Sector services as a sub-programme provide direction and support to education, training, extension, research and advisory services in agriculture. The purpose of this service is to support the targeted groups. Managing of the funds transferred to the ARC is also part of Sector Services. The largest part of the budget for Agricultural Production goes towards provinces and municipalities for programmes in the different regions. (DoA, 2009, pp. 51, 86) International, Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Relations as a sub-programme supply leadership and coordination in agricultural international relations. Furthermore is the purpose to create an environment in which all stakeholders can have a positive relationship. Budget is mostly spent on compensation to employees, and foreign governments and international organisations. (DoA, 2009, pp. 51, ) Policy on public goods in South African agriculture The policies in place on public goods in the South African agriculture are policies which promote government spending on various programmes, goods, and services. The way in which this government spending is allocated is described in the previous section under the five programmes of the Department of Agriculture of the South African Government. Each of the five programmes has a very distinct role to play in order to execute the policies that are in place in agriculture. In this section the public goods and services which have the largest amount of money allocated to them will be discussed, as well as the five public entities which report directly to the Minister of Agriculture. From this discussion the policies for implementing the use of these public goods and services in South African agriculture will become clear. Policy types for the top 5 public goods and services in the DoA budget The different types of policies that are used to implement the top five items of highest spending in the DoA budget will be discussed. Two of them will be discussed together. See Annexure B for a complete list. Agricultural Research Council (ARC) R 514 556 000 was allocated to the ARC in the 1 April 2008 31 March 2009 financial year. This public service establishes and controls research, development, and the transfer of technology facilities in order to provide the private sector in agriculture with information. ARC is also promoting cooperation between other countries and South Africa with regards to the above mentioned. (DoA, 2009, pp. 15, 67) The type of policy that is used is a type 8 according to Champney, namely Subsidies to Research and Development, which are promoted by distribution (economic incentive) and are consumptive indivisible (consumption by one influence other in community positively). The ARC therefore plays an important role in providing facilities, such as research, development and transfer of technology in order to contribute to the agricultural sector. (Champney, 1988, p. 990) Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP) and CASP Extension Services During the 2008-2009 financial year R 438 124 000 was budgeted for CASP and R 100 000 000 for CASP Extension Services. These two budget items are spent together, thus R 538 124 000. CASP Extension Services are the fourth largest item in die DoA budget. By this programmes, the DoA primarily wants to support the targeted beneficiaries from the land and agrarian programmes implemented by the DoA. By granting money to CASP, the DoA wishes to install improvement in 6 areas, namely: The access to and quality of agricultural support services available to the targeted beneficiaries of land and agrarian programmes, such as advice and information, financial infrastructure, etc., The ability of the DoA to deliver the above mentioned agricultural support services, The number of beneficiaries to benefit from accessing agricultural support services, The timeliness of technical and market information available to resource-poor farmers, The infrastructure available to targeted beneficiaries, on and off the farm, e.g. dipping and fencing, The number of LRAD reform beneficiaries accessing market information, markets and training for markets. (DoA, 2009, pp. 27-28) The policy type that would suit the grants given to the above mentioned improvements can be categorised as type 4 Subsidies to Individuals according to Champney. These grants are targeting individuals, such as the beneficiaries from the land and agrarian programmes, and are consumptive indivisible, since the consumption (use) of these land and agrarian programmes is promoted by grants available to beneficiaries. (Champney, 1988, p. 990) Classical Swine Fever A budget of R 163 900 000 was allocated to the control of classical swine fever breakouts and the necessary compensation to households when animals are killed in order to remove classical swine fever from of area. (DoA, 2009, pp. 4, 67, 138) The type of policy that is used to implement this service to public is a type 4, according to Champneys model. Subsidies to Individuals as a type of policy suit this case, because the individuals whose pigs are slaughtered in order to restrict the spreading of the disease are compensated by means of payment, which is correlated with the number of pigs slaughtered. There is therefore an incentive for farmers who have infected pigs to have them slaughtered, since th

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

GENE THERAPY :: essays research papers

Many diseases seen today are the result of a defective gene in the DNA of the patient and can not be cured using the traditional methods such as antibiotics and antiviral medication. The victims are now looking to gene therapy as a potential cure for their problems. Bob Williamson introduces us the concept, procedures, and problems associated with gene therapy in his article,  ¡Ã‚ °Gene Therapy ¡Ã‚ ±. Along with the appearance of the recombinant DNA technology, it becomes possible for human beings to isolate, study, and change gene in the laboratory. Gene Therapy is the process of replacing a defective gene inside a patient ¡Ã‚ ¯s DNA with a working gene that will produce the correct gene products. The genetic diseases  ¡Ã‚ °in which a single known gene does not function properly ¡Ã‚ ±, such as sickle cell anaemia, thalassaemia and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, are most suitable to be treated with the gene therapy. There are two types of gene therapy in curing these diseases, patient therapy and embryo therapy. In the process of the patient therapy, the first step is identifying the defective gene and isolating a normal counterpart.  ¡Ã‚ ° To obtain correct gene action, it may be necessary to put it into the correct site on the host cell chromosome, or even to delete the defective gene ¡Ã‚ ±, and the DNA can then be replicated each time the host cell divided. But if the new cell is injected directly into the patient ¡Ã‚ ¯s body, it will be subject to the body ¡Ã‚ ¯s immune system that will recognize it as foreign and target it to be destroyed along with the healthy DNA that it is carrying. So the cells extracted from the patient are to be treated and adding the new gene in a test tube in the laboratory to make sure that the DNA is inserted in an appropriate place in the genome, and the cells can then be returned to the patient ¡Ã‚ ¯s body.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now it is possible to offer the parents an antenatal diagnosis to look over if the fetus is affected by some single gene defects. If it does, the parents can choose embryo therapy to cure it rather then abortion. While the basic process is similar with the one of patient therapy, to do an embryo therapy is a little bit easier than a patient therapy, because the immune rejection system of the embryo is not fully developed. The new DNA will not be ejected, while the former DNA will be altered.

Monday, August 19, 2019

My Personal Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy of Education T

My Personal Philosophy of Education When I came to college, I debated on a major, trying to find a career that would be satisfying to me. After much pondering, I decided that education is the right path for me. I now find that not only do I think it is the right career, but I have a passion for helping children succeed. Education is a very important part of today's society. Teaching is a way to make society a better place for today's generation and our children. Teaching may not seem like a very important career to some people, but when I think back to some of my own teachers, I realize what an important part they played in my life. Many people have the desire to be a teacher from the time they are children. Others figure out their destiny much later. I started out wanting to be a forester. Forestry is something that always fascinated me, but after giving that a shot, I realized that it wasn't something for me to spend the rest of my life doing. After forestry fell through, I thought long and hard about what I wanted to be. I thought about my two favorite teachers from high school. Mrs. Patterson, my math teacher, and Mr. Brown, my science teacher, had both told me I'd make a good teacher because I could get things across to students that had trouble understanding. Mrs. Patterson chose me as a tutor for her upper level math courses because I knew the classes well and could sometimes teach things to students clearer than she co...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Macbeth Is A Butcher And Lady Macbeth Is A Fiend-like Queen Essay

In Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth, the following statement can be applied, â€Å"Macbeth is a butcher and Lady Macbeth is a fiend-like queen.† This is a true statement as many occurrences involving Macbeth and Lady Macbeth portray them in this way. A butcher can be defined as someone who kills or has people killed needlessly or brutally. The term butcher used in this way describes Macbeth to some extent. During the play, Macbeth is involved in the murder of many people, including King Duncan, Banquo, and Macduff’s wife and children. A fiend can be described as a very wicked or cruel person, or one who causes mischief and annoyance. This can be applied to Lady Macbeth, who had only her own intentions at heart. On many occasions Lady Macbeth shows fiend-like traits, especially when plotting to kill Duncan, framing the servants after he has been killed, and also when she fails to stop Macbeth from killing Banquo. These events are examples of when the two characters show these traits. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth can be described as being loyal, courageous and noble. He is liked, trusted and respected by everyone around him. However this soon changes after his first encounter with the three witches. This is because the witches inform Macbeth that his life could be far different, therefore changing Macbeth’s perception of his life. In doing this, they do not actually use true powers, they use the power of suggestion. This is where we begin to see a change in Macbeth’s outlook on life and his behaviour. Being the ambitious man that he is, Macbeth’s thoughts become dark, and he secretly thinks about what should be done about King Duncan to increase his own power. In spite of this fact, the play is equivocal as to whether or not Macbeth intended on killing Duncan before he met with the witches. In Act One, Scene three, Macbeth says: This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill, Why hath it given me earnest of success, Commencing in truth? I am Thane of Cawdor: In this passage Macbeth seems to be questioning himself as to what he should do next. The first prediction that the witches made has come true, and he is now considering whether or not there will be any truth in the prediction about him becoming king. He seems unsure if he should act upon their predictions or not. Macbeth is eventually persuaded to murder Duncan by his wife. Dunca... ... Macbeth continues this pattern when she fails to stop Macbeth from killing Banquo. She suspects that Macbeth will kill him, but does not convince him otherwise. When Macbeth suggests that he is going to do something about Banquo, she makes no effort to dissuade him. She seems quite pleased that Macbeth is going to do something about Banquo, as it will help her retain her position as Queen. She does not yet feel any remorse for anything that they have done, and seems to think that it is great that Macbeth is finally taking charge of his own treacherous deeds. Throughout the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth can be described as a Butcher, and Lady Macbeth can be described as a fiend-like queen. Many examples supporting this can be found throughout the play. Macbeth can be described as a butcher when he is involved in the murders of King Duncan, Banquo and Macduff’s family. Lady Macbeth can be given the title of a fiend-like queen when she is plotting to murder Duncan, framing the two servants, and when she fails to stop Macbeth from killing Banquo. The traits of these two characters have helped Shakespeare to create a great tragedy, with two recognisable tragic heroes.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Socratic Seminar

Keeping people out of â€Å"the cave† can be a burdensome task that requires a plentiful amount of strategy and intelligence. â€Å"The cave† may be defined as a somber place where the ignorance of those who inhabit it manifests and thrives, and this cave is an internal part of one’s mind, body, and soul. In order to keep people out of the cave, one must make certain that the confined are enlightened, the false interpretations of the real world are analyzed, the chains of limitations are released, and the truth must always be spoken.In schools, countries, and everywhere around the world, it is crucial that all inhabitants are enlightened and given the opportunity to learn, interpret, and experience the meaning of life. It is up to everyone to assist each other and speak the truth. It is up to everyone to construct the world and society in which it is healthy and safe to live. It is up to everyone to keep each other out of â€Å"the cave. † By characterizin g Mildred as shallow, apathetic, and not particularly intelligent, Bradbury uses her as a specimen to exemplify the personalities and characteristics of the people living in the city at this time.She is portrayed as a shell of a human being without any spirituality or emotion which also illuminates the mindsets and values of the rest of the people in the city. The avoidance of confrontation of oneself is extremely substantial when taking into consideration the fact that the people living in the city were in â€Å"the cave,† a gloomy and dismal part of one’s mind, body, and soul. Mildred’s insipid lifestyle and characterization indicate the meaninglessness in which she lives and that she is vacant of any thoughts or feelings. Bradbury uses Mildred as a representation of the characteristics of everyone living in the city. Fahrenheit 451 Socratic Seminar Keeping people out of â€Å"the cave† can be a burdensome task that requires a plentiful amount of strategy and intelligence. â€Å"The cave† may be defined as a somber place where the ignorance of those who inhabit it manifests and thrives, and this cave is an internal part of one’s mind, body, and soul. In order to keep people out of the cave, one must make certain that the confined are enlightened, the false interpretations of the real world are analyzed, the chains of limitations are released, and the truth must always be spoken.In schools, countries, and everywhere around the world, it is crucial that all inhabitants are enlightened and given the opportunity to learn, interpret, and experience the meaning of life. It is up to everyone to assist each other and speak the truth. It is up to everyone to construct the world and society in which it is healthy and safe to live. It is up to everyone to keep each other out of â€Å"the cave. † By characterizin g Mildred as shallow, apathetic, and not particularly intelligent, Bradbury uses her as a specimen to exemplify the personalities and characteristics of the people living in the city at this time.She is portrayed as a shell of a human being without any spirituality or emotion which also illuminates the mindsets and values of the rest of the people in the city. The avoidance of confrontation of oneself is extremely substantial when taking into consideration the fact that the people living in the city were in â€Å"the cave,† a gloomy and dismal part of one’s mind, body, and soul. Mildred’s insipid lifestyle and characterization indicate the meaninglessness in which she lives and that she is vacant of any thoughts or feelings. Bradbury uses Mildred as a representation of the characteristics of everyone living in the city.

Friday, August 16, 2019

L3 HSC Technical Certificate Essay

1. Identify the different reasons why people communicate (1.1.1) People communicate to build relationships, convey their needs to one another, share their ideas, express their feelings and socialise in pairs or larger groups. 2. Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult social care setting (1.1.2) As an adult care worker, communication is vital to meet the needs and requirements of the service user. If good communication is not formed, then the health and safety of the service user is at risk. Communication also forms trust, not only between the service user but also my fellow care worker/s. Communications between staff allow a good handover to take place between shifts and by using a communications book, any issues of health & safety can be discussed without all staff members being present. Read more: Reasons why people communicate  essay 3. Compare ways to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual (2.2.1) In many cases, just by talking in English to the individual, communication can be established to determine their wishes, needs & preferences. If this is not possible, the individual should have a care/support plan or notes; this will hopefully outline any special communication needs that individual may require. For example: a person who is either deaf or of impaired hearing, may need to be spoken to louder and clearer whilst your lips are in full view for them to read, alternatively hand gestures or sign language may be required. I fully understand though that in some cases it may be impossible for me to communicate between the service user and that I may need assistance. 4. Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication (2.2.2) There are a number of factors that need to be considered to promote effective communication: Verbal Communication; not everyone speaks my native tongue and therefore may not have my vocabulary and I may need to communicate with individuals that have learning difficulties; I therefore  have to consider this when communicating and be sure not to use words that could be difficult to understand. I must also be considerate enough to not sound patronising to adults by speaking to slowly and to use the correct tone and pitch in my voice. Non-Verbal Communication; non-verbal communication is said to account for up to 93% of all daily communication, this leaves only 7% for words. This clearly shows that non-verbal communication is very important to get right. Examples are; eyes, by talking to someone and (mostly) maintaining eye-contact conveys your intent of care and interest in that persons words and also affirms a solid foundation for trust. Body language can be communicated either consciously or non-consciously and can greatly affect the message or information to be shared between one or many people. There are times in my role when a simple hand on the shoulder has been enough to reassure that person that they are being listened to and understood. Writing a note or using an object can also help with establishing effective communication in a non-verbal way 5. Describe a range of communication methods and styles to meet individual needs (2.2.3) We have the use of our five senses to communicate and receive information with: Visual – seeing Auditory – hearing Olfactory – smelling Kinaesthetic – feeling Gustatory – tasting 6. Explain why it is important to respond to an individual’s reactions when communicating (2.2.4) Once communication is established, the dialogue of that conversation is usually determined by either signs of non-verbal or verbal reactions; it is essential that these are responded to in a correct and timely manner, or the risk of miscommunication is increased and the original intention or needs (which triggered the communication) may be lost and could potentially be dangerous to the health and safety of the individual, yourself or others around you. 7. Explain how individuals from different backgrounds may use, or interpret communication methods in different ways (3.3.1) Communication methods can  vary between people from different backgrounds and it can, in some instances, be very hard to avoid misunderstandings. There are beliefs and opinions that need to be respected and understood, whether they are from a religious or cultural viewpoint – these factors can greatly affect the effectiveness of the communication between them. Some individuals may be used to very strong non-verbal communication by way of e.g. hand gestures, as opposed to another who may be distracted and feel threatened by such means. Personality has a big influence on the method of someone’s communication, it is up to both individuals to adapt to each other in order to share information correctly. 8. Identify barriers to effective communication (3.3.2) As previously mentioned, Religion and cultural belief can be a barrier between two parties willing to communicate, there is also: Prejudice; in those beliefs, some of which you may not share but mustn’t let that be a prejudgement before communication. Different or strong accent; If you don’t understand what is being said to you (or what you are telling), it is imperative that you do not be embarrassed (or offended) in asking for the information to be repeated. Health & (or) mental issues; e.g. Aspergers, the individual may lack the necessary non-verbal communication skills and will therefore will require patience on your part. Noise; your hearing may be better than theirs and is not affected by any background noise such as a television. Specialist communication methods; Do you have the necessary skills for effective communication e.g. sign language? Sensory impairment; Is the individual deaf, blind or both? Emotions; Is this person too stressed to discuss something that is important? 9. Explain how to overcome barriers to communication (3.3.3) It is part of our job to identify these barriers and open up a good line of effective communication that serves the best interests of the service user. We can also call upon the services of others to aid in the communication e.g. an Interpreter. There is also much research I can do which may include speaking to the family or professionals that are already familiar with that individual and may offer valuable information on how best to communicate. We  can also use communication strategies and personal support plans as well as educating ourselves through training to gain new skills. 10. Describe strategies that can be used to clarify misunderstandings (3.3.4) Should a misunderstanding occur, I should not give up, but attempt to rectify it and ensure that the individual does understand, this can be done by e.g. Giving that person some time to calm down and then later on communicate it in a different or easier way, being careful to explain it fully and simpler. 11. Explain how to access extra support or services to enable individuals to communicate effectively (3.3.5) There will be times when extra support is needed because you either lack the necessary skills or you cannot communicate or provide the information directly to the individual that serves them in the best possible way. There are many specialist organisations for a whole host of needs and requirements. You should, if asked, obtain this information for use by either yourself or the service user and make it easily accessible. 12. Explain the meaning of the term ‘confidentiality’ (4.4.1) Confidentiality is a set of rules built upon trust to abide by pertaining to the wishes and needs of others under your care. The information must be kept private with restrictions in place when required. 13. Describe ways to maintain confidentiality in day-to-day communication (4.4.2) ‘Confidentiality’ can be maintained by remaining aware and conscious of the information you share or discuss. Examples of this are: Information should only be discussed with the permission of the individual and not spoken about out of work, especially social media platforms e.g. Facebook. Any documentation needs to be filed securely and inaccessible to others. Your voice should be kept to a minimum when discussing (with permission) in a public environment (e.g. Hospital) the information of a service user to another person. 14. Describe the potential tension between maintaining an individual’s confidentiality and disclosing concerns to agreed others (4.4.3) In my role as a support worker I may encounter a situation where the matter of confidentiality has to be weighed up against the welfare of the individual in question. In these instances confidentiality has to be broken to meet my obligations and duty of care in reporting to the correct and relevant authorities e.g. safeguarding; this has the potential for tension but for the greater good, must be adhered to. 15. Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentiality (4.4.4) I can seek advice through my peers, management personnel or a professional advice line and this must always be done as soon as possible to ensure the immediate safety of the service user. Once you have completed, your Learning Advisor will be able to cross reference all knowledge into Unit 4222-301 of the diploma

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Chinese Masks Essay

Chinese masks first appeared in China some 3,500 years ago primarily used for Chinese shamanism. Chinese masks became an age old cultural phenomenon shared by all ethnic groups in China. The Chinese developed such masks to overcome disasters and to protect their lives. These masks were given many functions like, communicating with the gods, bringing blessings, driving away ghosts, warding off diseases, and lots of sacrificial rituals involving masks were regularly held. Many traditional ceremonies held in China involved the use of masks, for example masks are worn during elaborate Chinese New Year celebrations. In addition masks were used for other festive occasions like, religious ceremonies, the birth of children, keeping one’s home safe, and masks for theatrical performances as well. Some of the most popular masks like the Dragon mask represent good fortune and prosperity. This mask is an important part of Chinese heritage and no Chinese New Years celebration is without it. Another type of mask in the Chinese culture is the modern Chinese Opera mask which are either painted on or worn as a thin cloth mask. The tradition of facial make up started from totems created centuries ago. Chinese mask are made of numerous materials like stones and metals, leather and cloth, wood and clay, ceramics and glass, paper and grass, . Then they are painted with many different color themes and designs. The masks were either worn or displayed. Some masks may represent animal or human characteristics like the lion or dragon. Red is also a very popular color and seen in many celebrations. Even in modern day Chinese cultural and around the world many people use Chinese masks because they portray a high cultural and artistic value. They are used today in Operas to depict the personality of the character, and also used as decoration. Their beauty is highly regarding with incredible detail, and colorful designs. I chose Chinese masks because of my interest in the Asian culture along with the fact that they are beautiful to look at, and the thought of actually making one is very exciting. Bibliography Patricia Buckley Ebrey. The Cambridge Illustrated History of China. Cambridge Illustrated Histories: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Difference and Similarities in Browning’s poetry

In these poems Browning gives us an insight into minds corrupted by jealousy. Discuss how Browning makes effective use of the dramatic monologue to reveal the characters of the narrators, and shock the readers. Which did you find most shocking and why? A dramatic monologue is s type of poem. It is like a speech which reveals a character's thought and feelings. The poet takes on the role of this character and speaks as them. All dramatic monologues are written in the first person. The effect of this is to make the poem more personal. Robert Browning wrote his monologues in the 19th Century. â€Å"My Last Duchess† was set in 14th Century in Italy in a patriarchal society. â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† was set in 19th Century in England and lastly â€Å"The Laboratory† was set in 18th Century in France. Robert Browning's poems were popular because in the Victorians times it was a patriarchal society and the people who lived in the Victorian times were very strict and also had a restricted life. Therefore reading this in those times would have been especially strange and unusual to read about psychotic people killing their loved ones. Read this  Respiratory Activity The similarities between the characteristics of the narrators in the three poems. The first similarity is that the three poems have disturbed narrators who treat their lovers as a possession. In â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† we know this when he tells us: â€Å"Give herself to me† this tells us that he only wants her to himself and no one else whereas in â€Å"My Last Duchess† we know this when he tells us: â€Å"since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you but I† this tells us that he is possessive even after her death but in â€Å"The Laboratory† the narrator tells us that she wants to poison two females but also wants the king to suffer by saying: â€Å"He is sure to remember her dying face† this tells us that even though she doesn't want him dead she wants him to suffer as much as the two female who will be poisoned. In addition another similarity is that all three poems the three narrators don't have any sense of guilt for what they have done. They also think they have gotten away with the murder and that they didn't do anything wrong or need to regret for anything. In â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† he tells us: â€Å"and yet God has not said a word.† This tells us that he thinks that he hasn't done anything wrong because he has not been punished by God yet. In â€Å"My Last Duchess† he tells us: â€Å"Will't please you rise? We'll meet the company below.† This shows us that he's got no emotions, he's controlling and has a normal tone and relaxed about what he has done. In â€Å"The Laboratory† she doesn't feel any guilt for what she is doing and for what she is just about to do, we know this by: â€Å"And her breast and her arms and her hands, should drop dead!† this shows us that this is the way she wants her death to look like; she says this in a childish way and also like a child getting really excited. Another similarity is that the narrator in â€Å"My Last Duchess† and â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† don't have any sense of guilt for what they have done. They also think they have gotten away with the murder and that they didn't do anything wrong or need to regret for anything. In â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† he tells us: â€Å"and yet God has not said a word.† This tells us that he thinks that he hasn't done anything wrong because he has not been punished by God yet. In â€Å"My Last Duchess† he tells us: â€Å"Will't please you rise? We'll meet the company below.† This shows us that he's got no emotions, he's controlling and has a normal tone and relaxed about what he has done. Lastly, another similarity is that all narrators choose not to communicate with their lovers and they never let them know what is wrong. In â€Å"My Last Duchess† the Duke tells us: â€Å"I choose never to stoop† this tells us that he will never get down and communicate with the Duchess. In â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† the lover tells us: â€Å"When no voice replied† this tells us that he has the power and that he didn't want to answer her, this also tells us that he wants to have the power so that she has to please him. There are also differences between the characteristics of the narrators in the three poems. The first difference is that the victims were all murdered in different ways. In â€Å"My Last Duchess† the duke does not commit the crime himself but give a small command and the murder is committed, we can see this when the duke says: â€Å"I gave commands† this tells us that he gave the command and the order was carried out without discussing about it. In â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† the killer murders the lover using the victim own hair and tells us that the victim was in no pain, we can see this when he tell us: â€Å"And strangled her. No pain felt she. I am quite sure she felt no pain† this tells us that he strangled her and that she felt no pain, he also reassures the readers that the victim felt no pain. In â€Å"The Laboratory† the victims are killed using the poison that was made in front of her at the apothecary, we can see this when she says: â€Å"Sure to taste sweet, is that poison too?† this tells us that she thinks that revenge tastes sweet. Another difference is that the woman in â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† is more sexually active and makes the first move, we can see this when the narrator tells us: â€Å"She put my arm around her waist, And made her smooth white shoulder bare† this tells us that she appears seductive and she's aware of her power. Where as in â€Å"My Last Duchess† the Duchess was much more modest and faithful, we can see this when the Duke tells us: â€Å"She had a heart-how shall I say?† this tells us that the Duchess was loyal to the Duke and did not always appear sexually active towards him or others. Another difference is that in all two of the poems â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† and â€Å"The Laboratory† they both have a reason for jealousy were as in â€Å"My Last Duchess† he does not have a reason to be jealous. In â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† the lover had a reason to be jealous because she had another man, we know this by: â€Å"one so pale for love of her† this tells us that she had another lover whilst she was with this lover and also in â€Å"The Laboratory† the narrator tells us that the king has another lover, we know this when she says: â€Å"He is with her† this tells us that the king was with another lover at the same time as he was with the narrator whereas in â€Å"My Last Duchess† there is no reason for the Duke to murder his wife as she is not being unfaithful to him but just being friendly and also appreciate for the presents she gets from others, we know this by: â€Å"The bough of cherries some officious fool broke in the orchard for her †¦. Or blush at least† this tells us that she would blush from a present given to her from anyone; she did so because she wanted to be kind and friendly. In this poem there are different motives for each of the psychotic killers to murder. In the first poem the motive for murdering his wife in â€Å"My Last Duchess† is that the Duke only kills his wife because she gives innocent smiles when she's being offered a present but this is only because she has good manners and wanted to be kind and friendly, we can see this by: â€Å"The bough of cherries some officious fool broke in the orchard for her †¦.. Or blush at least† this tells us that the Duchess got murdered because of a harmless smile given to the person offering her a small gift of cherries whereas in â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† the narrator has a motive because his lover has another man, we can see this when he tell us: â€Å"one so pale for love of her† this tells us that the lover even though she has the killer as a lover she still had another lover but we do not know if she loved the lover as much as she loved the killer. In â€Å"The Laboratory† the narrator also has a motive which is that the king had another lover whilst he had the narrator, we can see this by: â€Å"He is with her; and they know that I know† this tells us that the king has another lover and they both know that the killer knows but aren't really being bothered about her knowing. In all three poems the narrators don't feel guilty about the crimes they committed. We can see this in the poem â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† he tells us: â€Å"and yet God has not said a word.† This tells us that he thinks that he hasn't done anything wrong because he has not been punished by God yet. In â€Å"My Last Duchess† he tells us: â€Å"Will't please you rise? We'll meet the company below.† This shows us that he's got no emotions, he's controlling and has a normal tone and relaxed about what he has done. In â€Å"The Laboratory† she doesn't feel any guilt for what she is doing and for what she is just about to do, we know this by: â€Å"And her breast and her arms and her hands, should drop dead!† this shows us that this is the way she wants her death to look like; she says this in a childish way and also like a child getting really excited. The speaker which is most shocking is â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† because in this poem he describes the way he murder the victims. The way the victims' murder is described is horrifying as he describes it in a harsh way. We can see this by: â€Å"In one long yellow string I wound three times her little throat around, and strangled her† this is a very harsh way to describe the death as the reader can picture the death in their minds. I feel that each of the narrators in the three poems is psychotic as their motives for killing the lovers is very poor. In â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† I feel that the narrator is very psychotic as he only wanted the lover for him and killed her just so she can belong to him only and cannot find someone else, we can see this when he says: â€Å"In one long yellow string I wound three times her little throat around, and strangled her†. In â€Å"My Last Duchess† I feel that the narrator is also psychotic as he killed his wife because of an innocent smile this is very disturbing we can see this when he says: â€Å"I gave commands and all smiles stopped together†. Lastly, in â€Å"The Laboratory† I feel that the narrator is psychotic because of the way the death of the two women are described and how she wants their death to be, we can see this when she says: â€Å"And her breast and her arms and her hands, should drop dead!† In conclusion I think that Browning used dramatic monologues to explore these three characters because this is the poem in which the poet takes on the role of the narrator and speaks of them. I don't think that the poem would have been powerful in third person because using first person makes the poem more personal and it makes the reader think that the poem is talking to the reader himself. I think that the most shocking poem would have been â€Å"Porphyria's Lover† because in this poem the narrator describes harshly about the death of the lover and how he killed the lover with her hair and used this as a weapon and also I feel it is quite shocking when he tries to reassure the reader that the victim did not feel any pain.